Monthly Archives: August 2016

Fresno, Calif – Why take the risk of losing your PACA Trust protection by not having this important verbiage on your EDI transmission?EDI images

If you’re not using the PACA Trust language in your transmission, you’ll have to mail a hard copy of your invoice to your customer, with the PACA Trust language on the hard copy.

It’s critical and an important topic for all produce packers, shippers and brokers that are using EDI to send invoices to their customers.

For valuable information on this subject, Datatech invites you to read the article posted by Tom Oliveri of Western Growers Association:

Datatech serves produce packers, shippers and brokers throughout America with windows based cost accounting, inventory and sales software. #datatech #agsoftware


AB 1513: “actual sums due” Safe Harbor method revisited

Disclaimer:  The following post should not be considered legal advice.  In fact we advise you to get legal advice before making any payments under the AB 1513 Safe Harbor provisions.

AB 1513 provides two “safe harbor” methods to employers:  the 4% method and the “actual sums due” method.  Back in May when we started writing the Safe Harbor report, we asked the DIR if they could provide a definition for “actual sums due”.  We can’t very well write a report that calculates the actual sums due if we don’t know the definition for it.  This is the response we got back from an attorney at the DIR:

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Document Management Software Now Available!

Datatech is pleased to announce that after many years of development, our new Document Management Software is now available for use in conjunction with the Human Resource Management Software. For a quick demo of how the software works, please click on the following link to see our teaser video.

If you are tired of searching through filing cabinets to dig out an original document just to make a copy or scan and put it back, then our Document Management Software is the solution for you! You can now scan and attach all manner of confidential employee documents to make them instantly accessible right on your screen! No storage limits means you can scan as many documents as the storage available on your network allows.

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AB 1513 Safe Harbor Questions #1

Q: As a FLC, I have growers that want to make payments to employees that we employed and that worked for them.  How can we handle this?

A:  There are several important considerations in this situation.  The following is not legal advice.  We recommend seeking legal advice for all issues with AB 1513 that are not clearly spelled out by the statute itself or by the information provided by the California Department of Industrial Relations.  What we have done is highlighted some specific issues that may require specific legal advice as well as practical considerations when dealing with this question.

First, AB 1513 does not cover situations or scenarios where multiple entities are making the safe harbor payments to employees.  Growers may have liability as joint-employers and may want to take advantage of the safe harbor provisions.  They may have other reasons for wanting to make the payments directly to the employees, or want to employ third party services to make the payments on behalf of the FLC/grower.

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AB 1513 Safe Harbor Payment: Next Steps

The latest update available for The Farmer’s Office and The Labor Contractor’s Office includes new features for the AB 1513 Safe Harbor Report.  You can use the Check for Updates option on the Tools menu to download it now.

Caution:  Depending on what version you are on, this update may require some lengthy database table updates to some of the payroll files.  If you are on a network with multiple users, you may want to install this update at the end of the day to allow time to complete these updates.

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